
Thoughts for 08 and 09

Just a quick thought.... NOT thus sayeth the Lord....

2008... Year of consecration.. 8 besides meaning completion, also means consecration.

2009... Year of: another level of maturity, a year of maturity, or entering into maturity, however you want to say it.. 9 biblically meaning gestation or completion of development.. Soo, how do we get there..? The growing/taking on the "9" virtues of love in 1 Cor. 13 through accessing the grace of God..

I know 9 means more than just that, but I just wanted to give thought to what I feel is the main priority for 09.. Which is maturity.

I may go into this more a little deeper later expounding on what other meanings 9 carries and how it may pertain to this year..


  1. Booyah! As you say...

    Love your new blog bro! Looking forward to some deep thoughts that stir me towards the Father in the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit-a!

    Ryan Couch

  2. Well I'm sure there will be more deep thoughts, but I also know there are going to be some pretty simple, maybe shallow non spiritual thoughts too.. I hope your looking forward to them also.. :)

  3. So good...maturity...love it!
