
How to move...

I feel there are times in my life where a culmination of thoughts, questions and emotions build internally. They build up to such point, they surface or come to the forefront of my life.. Most of the time this happens because change is coming in my life. The way I function, until I find some resolution to these internal stirrings, I usually am at a standstill. Along with the culmination of these things comes a discontentment on the inside. This is where I find myself as of the beginning of the new year. I feel there has been a big shift over me, which has caused all this stuff to come to the forefront. Soo this is where I find myself as I reflect on this Sabbath day. I sit at rest before Him and discontent to move from this posture of heart until He brings answers. I know the answers are just ahead. Until I get the answers, I don't feel I can move in a directive way in my life, for the answers to this stirring, I believe, will be the very path and bridge that will set the way for the change that the Lord has before me...


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  2. i think the body of Christ, as a whole, is in the process of transition. not sure what to do with it, or what comes next.
    do we wait til He tells us to move, or do we step out in faith and listen for the voice behind us saying "go to the right.."?
    i've never been one to do things on the fly, i'm far to cautious... always fearing i'll make a wrong move. but sometimes i think He just wants us to try something new.

  3. I lost my grandmother last week, she was 105. The last person to pass away in our family was over 60+ years ago, so this is all new to all of us. The entire family is trying to figure out how we will function without our matriarch, new positioning will take place and what will it look like. My mother has in an instant become the matriarch, which makes her ponder her life and where she's headed...

    This is all in addition to the same feelings you have, God is doing something in our lives and the changes are coming so fast. Some changes HE's promised haven't come fast enough and we sit and wait.

  4. Steffy... I believe faith is sometimes misunderstood. If you look at those in the bible who "stepped out" in faith, they first, heard God speak.. Then from hearing God speak, they "stepped out" in faith believing the word God had spoken to them.
    I do believe at times He does give us a choice, and or He won't at times answer us because He, knows we are mature enough to make a choice for ourselves in certain areas or decisions..

  5. Awesome homy, i love how you reach for the depths and not just the skies, the shift comes in you as well as over you...
    Your a blessing!.

    Love you Burger
